I made my debut in the prestigious Huffington Post in 2016.
My articles appear here.
1. Who will heal the healers? A cure for violence against doctors
2. Why the touching love story behind the 'love is...' comic strip should inspire Indians. - This would later be featured on NZ Edge as well.
3. Suicide Prevention : Recognize the Signs Early
4. World Anaesthesia Day - The Magical Tale Behind Your Freedom From Pain
5. How Kozhikode Is Fighting Off The Nipah Virus Outbreak for Outlook Magazine
6. What if I told you that you were COVID-19 Positive for The Times of India
7. Indian doctors on How Hospitals should handle COVID-19 for NDTV
6. What if I told you that you were COVID-19 Positive for The Times of India
7. Indian doctors on How Hospitals should handle COVID-19 for NDTV
8. Why I will never allow my child to become a doctor in India
a) ScoopWhoop
b) Scroll
c) Nagpur Today
d) Docplexus
e) DailyRounds
With regard to the #JusticeForDrPayal case of 2019, my article was published in
9. Womens Web - Dr Payal’s Suicide Shows Us That The Caste System Is A Cancer Indian Doctors Need To Eradicate
10. Quartz India - I survived the casteism of senior doctors—not everyone can
11. Quartz India - If you’ve watched “Black-ish,” you know there’ll never be an Indian “Dalit-ish” or “Muslim-ish
9. Womens Web - Dr Payal’s Suicide Shows Us That The Caste System Is A Cancer Indian Doctors Need To Eradicate
10. Quartz India - I survived the casteism of senior doctors—not everyone can
11. Quartz India - If you’ve watched “Black-ish,” you know there’ll never be an Indian “Dalit-ish” or “Muslim-ish
01. Why I will not allow my child to become a doctor in India
Book : GP Clinics
Genre: Medical
The 'blogpost shared around the medical world' also appeared in print in GP Clinics.*
02. When "viral" is a good thing for a doctor*
Book : British Medical Journal
Genre : Medical
The follow up article to my May 2015 blog post on the fallacies of the present medical system in the country featured in the prestigious British Medical Journal.
You can read it here.
03. Horace Wells
Book: Hektoen International (Journal of Medical Humanities)
Genre: Moments in History
The story of how we let a good man down centuries ago and how we need to learn from that error in judgement.
You can read it here.
04. The Side Effects of a Perfect Surgery
Book: The DentCare
Genre: Anecdote
Sometimes, even doing a difficult surgery perfectly is not enough for the patient as we found out to our amusement.
Genre : Medical
The follow up article to my May 2015 blog post on the fallacies of the present medical system in the country featured in the prestigious British Medical Journal.
You can read it here.
03. Horace Wells
Book: Hektoen International (Journal of Medical Humanities)
Genre: Moments in History
The story of how we let a good man down centuries ago and how we need to learn from that error in judgement.
You can read it here.
04. The Side Effects of a Perfect Surgery
Book: The DentCare
Genre: Anecdote
Sometimes, even doing a difficult surgery perfectly is not enough for the patient as we found out to our amusement.
05. Know your strengths
Book : Heart Calls ( Periodical of charitable organisation for poor patients, Ashraya )
Genre : True Story, Inspirational
Instead of focusing on how others get things done and your own shortcomings, look to use your own strengths to achieve success.
06. My 5-to-1 odds
Book : Karnataka Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists Conference (KISACON ) 2012 souvenir.
Genre : Medical, True Story
If you were to give an ICU physician a 5-to-1 odds on the survival of his patients, he would be pleased. Because he knows how simple everyday events can be shockingly fatal.
07. The bigger they are, the harder they fall... asleep
Book : Karnataka Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists Conference (KISACON ) 2012 souvenir.
Genre : Medical, True Story
The doctors version of 'size does not matter' : Where a young girl proves to be much braver than people twice her age and size, when it came to visiting the operation theatre.
08. A tale of three doctors
Book : Heart Calls ( Periodical of charitable organisation for poor patients, Ashraya )
Genre : True Story, Humor
Three separate anecdotes which showcase the humorous side of doctors.
02. The Masks we Wear for Blogadda.
03. Read. Write. Listen. Evolve. Repeat for Indireads.
04. Writing and Creating Audiences for Dr Danny K Simon.
05. Semmelweis' legacy for Change For Better.
06. How I made a Profit even during a Global Recession for MoneyView.
07. The Three Rs and Two More That you must teach your child for EverydayGyaan
08. Recipe - Mughlai Chicken for Something's Cooking
09. Say 'Thank you' before it's too late for Sukupedia
10. Birth Control Options in India for Darlings of Venus.
11. What you pass on to your child for Darlings of Venus.
12. Which airports do you consider the best in India for Shalzmojo.
13. Vaccines to Take before Travelling to India for The Wandering Core.
14. What your dog's sleeping position actually means for Kohl Eyed Me
15. 7 Common Blogging Misconceptions for Slim Expectations
16. Why Millennials are Suffering from Heart Disease Earlier Than Any Previous Generation for Fit Be Well.
11. What you pass on to your child for Darlings of Venus.
12. Which airports do you consider the best in India for Shalzmojo.
13. Vaccines to Take before Travelling to India for The Wandering Core.
14. What your dog's sleeping position actually means for Kohl Eyed Me
15. 7 Common Blogging Misconceptions for Slim Expectations
16. Why Millennials are Suffering from Heart Disease Earlier Than Any Previous Generation for Fit Be Well.
it remarkable list of articles