Townsfolk Buy Pizza Delivery Man a New Car as Tip for 30 Years of Service with a Smile

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
2 minute read
It is kind of ironic that this story is about an awesome tip given by the good people of a town named TIP-ton.

Being a pizza delivery man may not be an unusual occupation but doing it for 31 years certainly is. That has never deterred Robert Peters from the town of Tipton, Indiana though.

men hugging

Folks in Tipton had literally grown up to the familiar sight of Peters driving down to their house in his 28-year-old Oldsmobile car, serving them their Pizza Hut pizzas with a cheery grin. Yes, the tips he received were a welcome bonus but Peters never angled for getting an extra buck from the townsfolk.

"It’s my purpose in life—trying to make people happy. You know, when you’re delivering to somebody, you may be the only face they see all day.” 
- Robert Peters

The people in Tipton agreed and even called him ‘Mr Smiley’ for his positive nature and kindness. When news got around that Peters old car was no longer running, the people of Tiptown decided they wanted to give their favourite pizza delivery man a tip greater than any he had received in his near 3 decades career.

old car
Mr Peter's car had definitely seen better days

Within just three days, Tiptonites raised nearly $19,000 and ended up not just getting Peters a new Red Chevy Malibu but also covered taxes and insurance and left him plenty of money for gas money too.

men standing beside a car
Tanner Langley who started the GoFundMe page handing over the car to the pizza delivery man he had been getting his pizzas from for decades, Mr Robert Smiley Peters

2017 Chevy Malibu car
Not a bad tip at all, eh?

“I just hope that all those who made this happen will be blessed as much as they have blessed me. This has really been an awesome experience that I’ll remember for the rest of my life.” 
- Robert Peters

man sitting behind the wheel of a 2017 Malibu

You can check out the video of Peters getting his new car here:

Author's note:

Since 2017, every year, I take up the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge and focus on showcasing lovely real-life heroes from around the worldThe aim is to remind you that there is still plenty of good human beings all around you... to inspire you to smile once more.

Want more stories of compassion? 

I have Hundreds of 'Heroes of Kindness' to brighten your day here. Earlier editions can be viewed from the links below:

2017 edition (Articles - 40, Heroes - 67)
2018 edition (Articles - 34, Heroes - 52)
2019 edition (Articles - 31, Heroes - 42)
2020 edition (Articles - 30, Heroes - 64)

The 2020 Edition is also available as a book on Kindle too, if you want it that wayyy! (IndiaUS)

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Service is the best that one could give and expect nothing. But kind hearts like these would be a hope that excpect nothing while u serve and the best would come to you.

  2. A very heart warming story. It's the best to bring a smile.
    Deepika Sharma

  3. As it is said...what you sow u shall reap..he had a smile and positivity for all and that is what came back to him hundred fold. What a unique town it must be.

  4. Tipton town seems to be full of positive people. This is such a nice gesture for Robert peters aka Mr. Smiley. He shared and spread smiles all these years and so he got in return too.

  5. it was such a beautiful gesture from people of tipton town. peters has received that he truly deserve. may more people around the world build that kind of kindness and love for other people.

  6. This is true example of your dedication towards work. Hats off!!

  7. Wow.. Such a beautiful and praise worthy gesture. You have been wtitibg about these selfless people from quite a long time now that itself shows there is no dearth of good people in this world.

  8. Smiles are powerful!! They really are!! In addition to spreading positive vibes around they bring you happiness too. And the smile of Mr. Robert Smiley Peters brought home, a car as tip. Can you believe it? But not every one is as kind and empathetic as Tiptonites. Hats off!!

  9. Wow a lovely smiley post. These real stories filled our heart with immense positivity. Indeed a best way to let someone know, how his smile make their days.


  10. Lovely! Good to read a heartwarming story in the morning. It feels great when you do something for the needy.

  11. Such a great gesture and he is so deserving for what he did

  12. And here we demand free pizzas if the delivery guy is 5 minutes late. Such a wonderful gesture for the person with a positive smile.

  13. Such a great gesture. Good to read a heartwarming story .


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