Child's Passion for Violin Inspires Stranger to Build her a Prosthetic Limb

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
2 minute read

It all began when Nate Kellogg’s children returned home from school one fine day. As always, the apprentice mechanic was eager to hear about their day and what they had been up to. But one story in particular caught his attention. Nate’s three children got to talking about their 4th grade schoolmate Valerie Romero who had been born with just one complete arm. The little girl loved the violin but as could be expected, struggled to play it as she could not hold the bow while practicing her notes on the strings.

couple smiling

A random dinner table conversation that should have ended there. Except something clicked in Nate’s head. Between his two jobs working in an electric power plant currently and previously serving in the military, he knew he had the expertise to actually do something to help Valerie play the violin.

Made of thermoplastics he bought online, Nate went to create a prosthetic limb for Valerie that attached to her arm and was designed to help her hold the bow at the right angle so that she could play all the notes on her violin. 

child with a prosthetic limb playing the violin

Valerie Romero has since excelled at the violin and even been a part of her school’s orchestra, hair aglitter and donning the biggest grin ever as she enjoyed the applause of a sizeable audience.

child with a prosthetic limb playing the violin

A dream not many ever imagined possible for the little one made possible thanks to a random conversation between school children and a large-hearted parent. 

Author's note:

Since 2017, every year, I take up the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge and focus on showcasing lovely real-life heroes from around the worldThe aim is to remind you that there is still plenty of good human beings all around you... to inspire you to smile once more.

Want more stories of compassion? 

I have Hundreds of 'Heroes of Kindness' to brighten your day here. Earlier editions can be viewed from the links below:

2017 edition (Articles - 40, Heroes - 67)
2018 edition (Articles - 34, Heroes - 52)
2019 edition (Articles - 31, Heroes - 42)
2020 edition (Articles - 30, Heroes - 64)

The 2020 Edition is also available as a book on Kindle too, if you want it that wayyy! (IndiaUS)

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Amazing what humans can do. They can go to lengths to help another. Helping monetarily is easy but making a prosthetic limb is unique. Kudos to him

  2. How beautiful. We are capable of so much love and compassion if we put our minds to it
    Deepika Sharma

  3. Such an awe inspiring story this is. Passion and inspiration

  4. Where there's a will, there's a way. He helped but she honoured his gesture by excelling in playing the violin. Happy post!

  5. This is so beautiful. The only thing you truly need is a kind heart and empathy to help someone in need.

  6. love love love Nate's kind heart and spirit, also grateful to his children who brought this up.thanks again doc for the motivation

  7. Glad to know about Nate Kellogg’s who brought smile on Valerie Romero's face and help her fulfill her dream of playing violin. Kudos to empathy.

  8. Her story reminded me of Mayuri, the Indian Classical dancer, who got her prosthetic limb move for dance.

  9. Nothing can be more inspiring than this story. Can never imagine, a casual family conversation can become the reason for such a great act of compassion and kindness!! Hats off.

  10. Wow nate has done such an incredible job to help little one in fulfilling her dream. this story has made me realized that how some people are so passionate about helping others. indeed inspiring.

  11. This is so awesome. To make someone's dream come true. Moreover I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing such inspiring stories.

  12. So happy to read that her dream finally have wings. This is such an inspiring post.

  13. Amazing! How many people can think of helping a stranger to this extent?
    He has given a new life to the girl.

  14. Aww this is the bestest what Nate did for Valerie. Keep them coming good to know all these people

  15. This is so inspiring what Nate did for Valerie.Given a new life to little girl.


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