Man pays off utility bills of underprivileged to help during harsh winters

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
2 minute read
There was a time in the 1980s when a young Michael Esmond struggled to pay his utility bills. During one of the coldest winters in Florida back then, he had his gas shut off and struggled through the entire winter with no heating. The memory of those horrible days came back to the elder veteran this 2019 as Christmas approached and a horrible winter loomed. Having seen better days since then, the Florida business owner no longer has to worry about paying his bills. But he knew there were others not as fortunate as he was.

shining leaves

So he went ahead and first found out who all in his community of 6000 people were at most risk of losing their utilities disconnected. There were 36 families, he found out. Days later, all 36 families received cards from the city. They feared it was warnings about the impending shutdown of their gas and electricity. Instead the cards simply read - 

"It is our honour and privilege to inform you that your past due utility bill has been paid by Gulf Breeze Pools and Spas. You can rest easier this holiday season knowing you have one less bill to pay. On behalf of Gulf Breeze Pools and Spa, we here at the City of Gulf Breeze would like to wish you and your family a happy holiday season."

Not wanting to watch the present families suffer like he did 40 years ago, the owner of the Gulf Breeze Pools and Spas (you guessed it), Michael Esmond paid off all their bills so three dozen families in his community could have a pleasant end to the year. 

Heroes of Kindness:

Since 2017, every year, I take up the #BlogchatterA2Z & #AtoZChallenge and focus on showcasing lovely real-life heroes from around the worldThe aim is to remind you that there is still plenty of good human beings all around you... to inspire you to smile once more.
You can follow my 2020 Edition of Heroes of Kindness here.

Want more stories of compassion? I have Hundreds of 'Heroes of Kindness' to brighten your day here:

2017 edition (Articles - 40, Heroes - 67)
2018 edition (Articles - 34, Heroes - 52)
2019 edition (Articles - 31, Heroes - 42)

Heroes of Kindness - My Interviews


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  1. Sometimes the tiniest bit of effort to light up just one life goes a long way. He lit 36 lives.

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  2. Caring for others when they are not related to you is definitely a sign of noble spirit. By sharing Michael Esmond's example, you have given us the food for thought that there are as many ways of helping as the needs. One needs to keep the compassionate eye open.

  3. Wow this is absolutely wonderful. A gesture that most people wouldn’t think of. I’m so glad you’re documenting the stories of these real-life heroes.

  4. Our past experiences teach us so much! And this is very inspiring.It is a privileged when I am able to help people in the situation where I have been at some point :)

  5. Sometimes, it is out hardships that remind us to be a better version of ourselves when we are blessed with a better life than before. Mr. Esmond is an example of such a kind soul.

  6. Applauding this hero. Adversity brings out the best or worst in us. We need more like him especially at this time. Thanks for sharing

    Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter E

  7. It's so heart-warming to see when people care. Especially when, being in a position to make a different, they do make it.

    The Old Shelter - Living the Twenties

  8. That is a kind gesture indeed. Not many of us remember our suffering and help others. More often the reaction is like, I suffered, so why shouldn't they.

  9. It's reassuring to know that such kind-hearts still exist. That was extremely noble of him. Thank you sharing his story.

  10. Oh wow! There are people like this in the world?!!

  11. SUch kind-hearted souls these people are. May the universe be blessed with more such individuals/

  12. What a wonderul kindhearted generous man. I would love to be able to do this one day but at the moment we live paycheck to paycheck and they don't always stretch far enough but I know things will get better and one day I will be able to help others.

  13. The world needs so much hope and light and there are people like Michael who do just that! Such an amazing and heartwarming story.

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