Maths Professor Helps Student by Babysitting during Class

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
2 minute read
This professor's deeds went viral in 2019 for all the right reasons.
College senior Wayne Hayer studies at Morehouse University in Atlanta, Georgia. A father to a precious 5 month old daughter Assata, his wife usually stays at home to take care of the little one. But on one particular occasion, she became stuck when she had to leave for errands. Wayne got the text from his wife informing him that she would be out and he would need to skip class and look after their daughter while he was in the class of his mathematics professor Nathan Alexander. The professor offered an alternate solution.

maths professor

The following day, dressed in a pink onesie, Assata attended mathematics class with her father. To ensure she did not distract her dad, maths teacher Nathan Alexander took the responsibility of holding the child throughout the class. With the baby strapped to his chest, Nathan nonchalantly conducted the entire class and even stayed back after the bell had rang, answering questions with the child still in his arms.

"It was this encounter that truly showed me the power and impact that [historically black colleges and universities] can have for the black community – for this professor to understand that life happens and sometimes there are just no ways around it.” said fellow student Nick Vaughn, who clicked the photo which went viral on social media.

college teacher helping student

Author's note:

In searching for Professor Nathan, it came to my attention that he's undergoing surgeries for cancer presently. I sincerely hope things work out for the better and the love you give out to others comes back to help heal you, sir.

Heroes of Kindness:

Since 2017, every year, I take up the #BlogchatterA2Z & #AtoZChallenge and focus on showcasing lovely real-life heroes from around the worldThe aim is to remind you that there is still plenty of good human beings all around you... to inspire you to smile once more.
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Let me know what you think.

  1. This can only happen when you respect education and humanity at the same time! This is wholesome! And praying for the Professor’s speedy recovery :)

  2. Wow. That is awesome. This is when you respect your profession and the others. I hope he gets better soon

  3. I remember this story. Didn't know that he's battling cancer. I hope he gets well soon for the world needs heroes like him.

  4. That's great! Its this dedication that makes a truly great teacher.. Hope he has a quick recovery .

  5. this is dedication. I hope he recovers quickly and fully.

    Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter N

  6. Such a beautiful and heat-warming story! He is a true hero and shining example of love, kindness, compassion for others!

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