My theme for the 2020 #BlogchatterA2Z Writing Challenge is...

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
3 minute read

The #BlogchatterA2Z challenge taken up every year by thousands of bloggers across the world involves writing one post a day for every day in the month of April (except Sundays), each post corresponding to a letter of the alphabet.

I first took up this challenge in 2016 and chose to write on something I consider myself a true connoisseur on - TV sitcoms!

tv show trivia list
The shows I wrote about back in 2016. You can access the full list here

I wrote over 20,000 words about TV shows in just that one month for the challenge, and totally enjoyed it. And it was an absolute joy, reading other bloggers too as they wrote on topics dear to their heart, opening my eyes to hundreds of unique and diverse subjects.

Between 2016 and 2017, something changed for me. 

The need to entertain with light-hearted posts was overridden by a different purpose - to be a rainbow in the clouds. All around me, both in the real and virtual world, people were disillusioned. Worse, they were distrustful. They did not have faith in humanity around them to be good because everything they read and saw on the news clearly told them the world was a hate-filled place.

In a way, it is. But it isn't too.

Because there are so many unsung heroes around the world, people like you and I, who do not appear daily on the front page of the news and yet do kind deeds that make the lives of those around them better.

Showcasing these Heroes of Kindness started off as part of being unique in a writing challenge that featured thousands of talented writers but there was a deeper need within - a need to fight the darkness I saw all around me, a need to show how many good people there still were all around.

In 2017, I successfully completed the writing challenge, showcasing 26 stories from across the world - from a 6 year old girl to a 90 year old woman - whose kindness deserved more adulation. I was not ready to stop showcasing kindness when 2018 arrived. Nor when the 2019 challenge arrived. So I kept searching. And I kept interacting with these kind people, interviewing them when I got the chance so people could get a look into their mindset too, beyond news articles. 

It is 2020 now. And boy, has the new year started on a dark note worldwide.

It gets tougher and tougher with each passing year. Not just blogging per se but finding a way to be light in the midst of darkness. To be positive when the Dementors continue to block out the rays of sunshine in the sky and drain out hope and happiness.

But there are rays of sunshine. And I continue to seek them out from across the world and bring it to those I feel need hope the most - You, me, perhaps all of us.

My theme for the #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge this year is once more, Heroes of Kindness from Across the World.

26 alphabets. 26 posts. Coming this April.

Till April comes, you can access the Hundreds of 'Heroes of Kindness' posts till date here:

Heroes of Kindness - 2017 edition

Heroes of Kindness - 2018 edition
Heroes of Kindness - 2019 edition

Heroes of Kindness - Indian edition
Heroes of Kindness - My Interviews

Stay happy. Trust me. 
The world is still filled with good people.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Agree that the world is mostly filled with lovely people and things. Just a few are messing it up for many. All the very best for your A-Z!

    1. Thank you. Gonna need all the wishes I can get :)

  2. I really loved the Heroes of Kindness theme, I think it is much needed in these times. Thank yo for doing it again!

    1. Thanks for the support. Yes, much needed in these times.

  3. Your dedication to Heroes of Kindness always blows me away. Best of luck with AtoZ and the series.

    1. It is something that I feel is necessary in these trying times.

  4. I always enjoy your posts for the challenge. They really are a ray of sun in the dark. Adn we need that more than ever today.

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - Living the Twenties

    1. Amen... and looking forward to your posts too this year :)

  5. So lovely to see someone with such an uplifting theme. Best of luck for April.

    Tasha's Thinkings & Virginia's Parlour

  6. Very interesting theme. Can't wait to go through!

  7. This is so beautiful. I had no idea you were doing this..I will look forward to reading your posts. We need it so much!

    1. I've been doing it for 3 years. This will be year 4

  8. Yay you! You're going to rock this and you can always count me in for dropping by :) Happy A to Z!

    1. Thanka. So that makes two page views (including my own) guarenteed !

  9. Your Heroes of Kindness are the shot in the arm we need in these trying times.

  10. Kindness is needed in the world more than ever right now. A great way to celebrate these heroes by writing about them.

    1. I've always felt so .. this is the best way I can help

  11. Kindness is definitely what we need right now. Looking forward to reading your posts. Weekends In Maine

  12. Great choice of theme. Thank you for all the positivity you spread, Roshan.

  13. I love love love your theme. It is so inspiring and heart-warming. Looking forward to read more stories about the Heroes of Kindness this April. Cheers!

    1. Thanks. Hope to make a positive impact this april

  14. I have always been a fan of your writing. Looking forward to reading more about Heroes of Kindness from Across the World. All the best !!

  15. Love the heroes of kindness theme. Looking forward to these posts.

  16. Lift others. Encourage others. Motivate others. Say Good interesting words that lift spirits. Best wishes.
    I am writing on Industrial Engineering Practice in Top Global Manufacturing Companies - Top 100

    1. Your theme is something new for me.., will check it out

  17. Kindness heroes - what a wonderful theme. I'll look forward to your posts.

  18. What a worthwhile theme! I can't imagine the feelings you feel as you are meeting these individuals. I also find it interesting to learn about your TV show interests. I'm currently watching Agents of Shield with my roommate and it's such a thrill! Have an enjoyable challenge!

    I'll be writing on flash fiction:

    1. Looking forward to flash fiction :) I enjoy quick reads!

  19. I look forward to perusing your tales of kindness this April Doc- they are truly incredible and make me feel grateful for all the goodness out there in the world. Thank you for doing it.

    All the best for the challenge.

  20. super awesome theme and i looking forward to read your awesome post. all the best for challenge.

  21. Last year, I was so touched by the stories you did...really looking forward to the posts this year. Best wishes!!

    1. Touchwood, will have more stories that inspire this year too

  22. When we in the United States are seeing both the best and the worst in us coming out during our part of the COVID-19 crisis (I live in one of the three most affected states), this theme is perfect. Looking forward to your posts, Doctor!

  23. An amazing theme Roshan. Though not all heroes will be recognized this theme will surely bring justice to a few. Looking forward to read from you.
    Do check out if my theme interests you:

  24. I have always liked the positivity and honesty in your posts. Heros Of Kindness is a great theme and yes, in this tough times, we need lots and lots of inspiring people in our lives. Looking forward to read your posts in #A2Z2020.

    1. Thanks... really hope to keep at it as long as I can

  25. Looking forward to reading your posts in April!

  26. I am sure this is going to be awesome as before, Roshan. Your heroes of kindness posts brings forth the goodness in people when every other media try to sell terrible news.
    Looking forward to reading up on the stories of heroes from around the world.

    1. Thanks... the world could really use some kindness now, the way I see it.

  27. Wish you the best, Roshan! I am sure you will find some more heart-warming stories of these heroes of kindness.
    (How will you find the time to do it? I wonder)
    Take care!

  28. Can not wait to read this year's edition as well doc!

  29. Thank you Dr Roshan for visiting my blog and cheering up.
    In the midst of the lock-down when heath care workers are fighting the battle against the nasty virus and the humanity crumbling under its weight, it will be assuring to read about kindness in the world. Look forward to reading and absorbing the positivity from it.
    Kudos to you for selecting this topic!

  30. You have chosen a good theme. I wish you all the luck for the A to Z series....:)

  31. I am back for a dose of positive stories!

    I jumped in too
    A-Z @ NamySaySo

  32. All the Best wishes, Dr! Much love. Kikzbee

  33. Looking forward to the much needed kindness during the tough times. All the best :)

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