How to Protect Yourself from Seasonal Illnesses When It Rains #WordsMatter

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
3 minute read
The monsoons tend to be associated with a lot of pleasant memories for us all - hot pakoras, warm hugs, playing in the rain et al. However, it is not fun for all. The rains tend to bring with it diseases that can really do a bad number on your health unless you are careful. 

These are some of the tips I shared with The Weather Channel earlier this year on precautions to take to protect yourself from seasonal illnesses when it rains.

1. Prevention is better than cure

Airborne and waterborne illnesses like malaria, dengue, and chickenpox are extremely common in monsoon. They also tend to be highly contagious. How can you fight these illnesses? 

As the seasons start to change, keep track of the weather in your city and state. Have a reliable weather app installed on your phone (you can find the best ones here on and be prepared for the coming rains. 

Ensure you don’t have damp areas around the house such as pools of stagnant water. 

Damp conditions don’t just facilitate the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses, but they also become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

kerala floods 2019

Use mosquito repellents and wear full sleeve clothes while sleeping. 

Wash your hands properly before and after a meal, and in general, avoid food and raw fruits that have not been washed well.

It’s way easier to catch infections when you spend your whole day in an enclosed, air-conditioned office. Hence, try to take small breaks to get some fresh air. 

You should also carry a handkerchief with you as a protective measure against airborne infections.

2. Increase your water intake

Most people think we only need to increase our water intake in the summers, since that’s when we perspire most. But that’s far from being true.

Humid conditions during the monsoon still drain your body, and you need to replenish the lost water. 

Carry a water bottle from home to avoid contaminated water when you’re outside. 

Also, make sure you drink 7-8 glasses of water every day.

3. Home-cooked food is always the best!

Opt for freshly-prepared hot homemade food whenever possible, especially hot soups and stews. 

It’s best to avoid seafood unless you are sure of the freshness of the food.

It is also best to avoid street food, including fruits and juices, during the monsoons because they might have been cut in advance and may be contaminated or infected with germs or toxins. You simply cannot be sure about the hygiene standards followed by roadside vendors, especially in the rain when flies and mosquitoes are everywhere.

4. Put extra emphasis on hygiene

Doctors see the maximum number of diarrhoea, jaundice, and typhoid cases in monsoon. Invariably, it all comes down to poor food choices and practices.

Wash your hands properly before every meal. 

Also be careful how you cook your meals at home. 

Make sure to thoroughly clean vegetables and fruits before you use them. 

And if you are consuming raw fruits or vegetables at home, make sure to steam or boil them before eating.

Enjoy when it rains but make sure that you also take good care of your body and health!

 Authors note:

I received this tag from Meenal Sonal at Aura of Thoughts. It’s my pleasure to pass on this tag to Kala Ravi at Relax-n-Rave. There are 42 of us on this Blog Hop and it will be spread over 3 days – 6, 7, 8 September 2019.

#WordsMatter Blog Hop
Do follow the #WordsMatter Blog Hop and enjoy our different takes on the prompt "When it Rains"!
I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. True, monsoon always brings with it a host of diseases. You've shared some important tips to stay protected from them. I've observed that stagnant water and eating outside during this weather are the biggest culprits. So yes, we eat at home more during this season, and sigh, that means more cooking at home - monsoon specials!

  2. Very relevant and helpful tips shared. Simple habits of ours can prove beneficial to us.

  3. Thank you for all suggestions to keep us safe this season...

  4. I totally agree with you these were some really helpful tips specially I need to avoid eating outside food in monsoon and maintaining the best hygiene is an absolute must

  5. Topical subject. Thanks for these practical tips and reminder, Dr.Roshan!

  6. We follow all these tips and it really works. Glad to connect through #MyFriendAlexa

  7. Absolutely correct. Protection becomes must and priority during rainy season. Especially outside food and water has to be avoided.

  8. Well written post. It's been raining cats and dogs here in Sindhudurg again. I somehow keep forgetting to maintain the water intake. Will take care of it from today itself. We drink luke-warm water every month :)
    I never knew you had a blog! Glad to connect via the #MyFriendAlexa campaign

  9. this is a very helpful post. Thank you so much for sharing. All of us need to take care of ourselves. You have rightly said, Prevention is better than cure!

  10. How our small steps & habits of personal hygiene with little extra care can prevent is and our household from dangerous diseases in monsoons ; is very aptly summed in this write up. Its great help to keep all these pointers in mind

  11. How our small steps & habits of personal hygiene with little extra care can prevent is and our household from dangerous diseases in monsoons ; is very aptly summed in this write up. Its great help to keep all these pointers in mind

  12. These are such basic guidelines which our grandmoms have always talked about and yet we end up ignoring them and fall ill. To be honest, even I miss out on things like drinking water when it's pouring.

  13. Very useful and relevant tips for the rainy season...Thanks for sharing...

  14. With so much rain in Mumbai, this post perfects to stay healthy and safe!! Thanks for sharing this!

  15. A relevant post for the season. Thank you Doctor for sharing this post.

  16. Good tips! And no wading in the flood waters or letting the kids play in them, right? I'm more worried about skin infections - at least here in the US, when it floods - than in most of these other things. The people in your featured image are living dangerously.

  17. Spoken like a true Doctor! While I love rains, we can't avoid the diseases it brings along with it! Thanks for sharing these tips. Very valid!
    Thanks for participating in the blog hop. Hope you had fun :)

  18. Very relevant post for the current season.

  19. Rain does bring about a huge number of diseases. Great points on keeping a check and taking care of the health.

  20. Rain is the most beautiful time of the year, and we all love it. However, this is the same time that can play havoc. Your tips are quite insightful. Thank You.

  21. I'm trying to follow all the precautions for my family :)

  22. Very informative post considering the monsoon and then the change of weather. One is always prone to encounter something.
    #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia #MyFriendAlexa

  23. Very useful tips. Increasing water intake is so imp. We often neglect this.

  24. Very informative post it is, you have mentioned very important points in this post , especially about full sleeves & water intake

  25. In monsoon we are tempted to eat outside food but home made food is the best. Thanks for summing up all to-do's in the post.

  26. When you are staying in Mumbai rains are part of your life and yes precaution is always better then cure, these are some really important tips

  27. Very helpful pointers indeed. I get sick frequently during monsoons as I tend to neglect the main culprit here, water.

  28. Whenever we have to wade through the muck of Mumbai rains, we come home and pop a Doxy....But the best way to stay well in the rains is to stay at home. And then of course follow the good doctor's orders. Thanks for re-inforcing this message which many of us tend to forget in the day's work.

  29. Not drinking enough water during monsoon - I'm guilty of that! And I felt all the effects of dehydration too. You've got some excellent tips here, doc. Thank you!

  30. Nice tips. staying home is toughest when u have akid who wants to play outside all the times. Also keeping him hydrated is a struggle as he doesnt drink water much. but yes, i give him juicces, squashes etc to keep him fro falling sick. Nice tips :)

  31. Thanks for these. Wonderful tips especially during this season when mosquitoes are at their worst!

    - DK

  32. All relevant things my mom always told

    Just a nostalgic post

    Well written

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. totally agree with you. Really helpful tips specially I to avoid eating outside food

  35. White i'm down with viral, there can be no better time to adopt these tips. Thanks for sharing.

  36. With a variety of viral fevers and dengue raging in Hyderabad, your post is so very useful!

  37. Very helpful post , Doc and I hope more and more people read this to keep themselves healthy. Thanks for joining #WordsMatter.

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