How 2 milliliters stops your suffering #WordlessWednesday

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
1 minute read

2 ml of water in a palm

What you see in my hand is 2 milliliters (2 ml). 
If someone were to offer you 2 ml to drink, you would probably scorn at it. I mean, even the smallest glass of a soft drink beverage you would accept is probably around 100 ml, right?

With two ml of anything, there is not much you can do, right?

For me, this 2 ml is life saving. 

2 ml of a drug is all I need while giving spinal anaesthesia to make you absolutely pain free during a Caesarean section. To help you smile as you deliver your baby. To be pain free after a broken leg and actually be able to play games on your mobile as the surgeon operates on you as I spoke about earlier. 

That is the magic of spinal anaesthesia, a procedure that was first done only in 1898, more than 2400 years after surgeries were first done. 2400 years of horrifyingly painful procedures without anaesthesia across the globe when all that was needed was 2 ml placed in a specific point.

2 ml. We bring a smile on literally thousands of lives across my country (and yours too) every day with just 2 ml.

Think about that.

Authors note 

I am linking this post with Esha and Natasha for #WordlessWednesday. You can find more picture based posts there and add your own too. 

wordless wednesday tag

Earlier posts I have written for Wordless Wednesday include:
09. What Really Darkens a Room? (Racism)
10. Doggy Desktop (Pets)
12. 2 milliliters (Medicine)

I am also linking it to Monday Musings. 
You can read other interesting takes of #MondayMusings by fellow authors here

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. That is really amazing! Experienced the miracle of epidural during my 2nd pregnancy, so I totally agree!

  2. I can vouch for the fact that the "2 ml" worked like magic to relieve me during my pregnancy too! I recall the dilemma I had faced earlier when I had to give my consent for the epidural, considering the headache that I might get as a side effect (I have terrible migraine so headaches are SCARY for me!) Glad I went for the epidural, eventually!!!

  3. Wow! this is such an apt explanation of 2ml, and coming from a doctor it makes all the more sense. Beautiful post!

  4. Thank you Doctor. This is a very informative post. So this is what is called as general anaesthesia?

  5. Wow, now that is some revelation!! Thanks for sharing this information, Roshan. Just 2 ml can spin magic.

  6. There are things whose quantity is not as important as the quality!

  7. true, 2 ml means so much more depending on what we relate it to. recently my son had a boil and we scanned to find he had 2 ml of puss formed within, it did require a surgical intervention. quantity is a relative term indeed

  8. This was amazing...could have never related 2 ml to spinal anesthesia.!

  9. Wow never knew that, thanks Doc for sharing this :)

  10. Epidural indeed a magic, i recently experienced this during my 2nd delivery, though the process of that 2-3 min of inducing epidural patient needs a lot of mental strength than the physical strength, and magic starts, really kudos to you doctors, its just a game of 2 ml , oh Gosh! is something new to me.Thanks for sharing knowledge.

  11. My community in New York State (New York) was late in adapting the epidural (this almost 30 years ago). For me, it only worked on one side of my body and I ended up letting it wear off - so I've experienced childbirth partially with it and also without it- definitely would have preferred it working completely! I would highly recommend the procedure.

  12. Wow! Short with a deep impact! So much packed within that 2ml!

  13. Manisha - This 2 ml of discovery is a boon for many mother's including me. Works great.

  14. So little and yet so much. Can't imagine surgery without anesthesia!

  15. 2ml can mean so much at times when it matters the most.

  16. What a beautiful post Roshan and that picture is stunning too. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would have been like to have a surgery without anaesthesia.

  17. that's a mind provoking thought, I have undergone 2 c-sec, and can totally relate with it. thank you

  18. That's such a super description of this 2 ml. I remember how even I was administered the spinal anesthesia for delivery. This is what I love about human's scientific progress.

  19. Love the twist on this one. Never thought of anesthesia in this way, beautiful perspective.

  20. OMG Rohan! You are amazing!! What a brilliant take on just 2 ml! WOW! But, when I think of it as your ardent fan and follower, I realise that ONLY YOU can think like this! Wow yaar! Simply WOW! #MyFriendAlexa #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter

  21. What a brilliant write up! And this 2ml, i can vouch for. My first child could only happen with the help of this 2ml... as I was losing consciousness with every contraction. Only when they gave me epidural, I was able to keep myself awake to go through the process of child-birth.
    #readbypreetispanorama for #MyFriendAlexa

  22. What an insightful post. This 2ml helped me give birth to my girls. I could totally relate to this.

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