The Foundation that has helped the dying cross off over 7000 items from bucket lists #WATWB

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan

It began as a desire to help dying men and women in the Netherlands to fulfill one last item off their bucket list.

A Dutch charity called Stichting Ambulance Wens ( The Ambulance Wish Foundation) use their resources and medical transportation to transport hospice and immobile patients across the country to allow them one last hurrah. The team consists of over 270 medically trained staff and volunteers who help complete around 5 to 6 wishes of the dying every day.

Stichting Ambulance Wens have completed over 7000 wishes and inspired similar movements across the world.

Doing this since 2007, they have completed over 7000 wishes till date and are still going strong. 

The common wishes they get include:

Attending a memorable family function. 

Visiting a loved one.

Visiting a religious site.

Attending a show or musical.

Visiting fun locations like the zoo, beaches or farms.

Going to a casino.

Stichting Ambulance Wens has done such a great job over the years that today, inspired by their efforts, there are Ambulance Wish Foundation centers in various countries across the world including England, Germany, Brazil, Japan and Ecuador.

"The Ambulance Wish Foundation shows that people who are terminally ill and bed-ridden can have joy, even if they are sometimes so ill that they pass away on the same day or as in many cases a few days later. Our foundation adds a quality of life to last days.”
- founder and director Kees Veldboer

Stichting Ambulance Wens have completed over 7000 wishes and inspired similar movements across the world.

Authors note:

This post is part of the We Are the World Blogfest, a monthly event to showcase stories of compassion. The idea is to spread positivity and light to counterbalance the negativity and darkness in social media. You can check their pages to find the list of feel-good stories written by bloggers from around the world.

Your cohosts for this month are: 

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