In times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers #MondayMusings

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
The final words by King T'Challa at the end of the Marvel movie Black Panther is an apt reminder to a world that is increasingly choosing barriers over bridges to look beyond dominance and choose humanity.

A world that is hell-bent on 'avenging' the distant past instead of enriching the immediate future.

Black Panther end credit scene quote by King T'Challa at the United Nations

“Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows. We cannot. We must not. We will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this Earth should treat each other. Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.”
- King T'Challa, 'Black Panther'

Take a single moment and think about whom you support in today's suffocating world, wherever you may be. 
  • Is your choice for the future one that involves barriers or bridges? 
  • Can you forgive the crimes of the distant past committed by others so that you allow everyone to grow together as a single tribe?
Because the alternative is (whether you choose to say it aloud or not) genocide. And that is no alternative at all.

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Authors note:

This were some of my #MondayMusings. 

You can find the musings of other writers here

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Hmm...if only we focused on building rather than destroying!

  2. Simple yet so profound. If only we could all do our bit, the world would be a different place. Thanks for this wonderful thought to start the week.

  3. Thanos had a point about the resources and population mismatch.The starving,sick backwards can only be helped if we survive.Tricky tricky problem.I think natural disasters are restoring the balance.Life abd death are never in the hand of humans.
    Excuse the weird comment

  4. Good quotes there, doc. I loved Black Panther and the lines you've quoted are thought provoking. In our political system, it is rarely a fair choice. Sometimes all the parties are equally bad.

  5. I also believe that more connects us than separates us. And I would like to believe that in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers but the Libra in me would like to examine this a bit closer and from the opposite spectrum.

  6. So thought-provoking! If only more people tried to bridge the differences rather than raise barriers, the world would be a different place.

  7. We are better at destroying things rather than creating things. Sad but true. And we never learn from our mistakes.

  8. A lot of food for thought here. Bridging the distances though sounds difficult but lead to destinations rather creating barriers.

  9. I loved reading the quotes. They are so wise and thoughtful!!!

  10. SO profound!I just wish we lived an alternative beautiful world.

  11. Indeed, a thought provoking post, rarely have we thought of what we are building, we're just running in the race with closed eyes, unable to differentiate between bridges and barriers!

  12. Inspiring quote it is...we always try to find out the flaws rather than fixing it. I have seen this movie. An wonderful creation by Marvel Comics

  13. I totally agree with you. You turn around whom so ever someone has done something that's not not correct. This often puts us in dilemma

  14. Wise words indeed Roshan but how does one build bridges when the issues are more social?

  15. Bridges are way more important than barriers. But us humans try to put up barriers most of the times. We need to learn to let go to be able to build bridges. Good one for musings, Doc :)

  16. I am a bridge builder and think we need more, most important, our world is lacking empathy. We do not stop and listen or care to think about what may it be like if.... We need to change. Great piece. #mondaymusings xo

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