Guest post - Five Television shows I recommend!

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
3 minute read

Hello everyone! This is Zainab here & I blog at
I would like to thank Dr Roshan for giving me the opportunity for the guest post. I usually write about fitness, lifestyle & tv shows at times.

I have been a fan of tv shows for the longest time, and if you ever want to chat on it, then I’m your girl! Today, I’m going to list a show from each genre. It could be old or new - but I promise it will hook you!

Guest post by Zainab on the 5 TV shows she recommends you watch

Here are my 5 TV shows to watch:


Yes yes, I know you have seen it. But, I couldn’t make a list with including this awesome series. I’m watching the series for the fourth or fifth time & guess what ? I always laugh!
"Joey doesn’t share food!"
"At Monica’s you can eat cookies on the sink!" ( so now you I know I have seen all of them!!!)

Why watch Friends (As if you need a reason;)
It will put you in a happy mood and make it easier to take life a little more easy! The series revolves around six friends  and their daily lives. How they go through the highs, lows and everything.

10 seasons with 24 episodes, each!!! If you have not watched the series, I insist you go watch an episode right now!!!

The Mentalist 

This was one a very exciting show. I watched all the seasons in a span of few months. My workouts would just swing by and I actually started crushing over the Mentalist!

Why Watch The Mentalist

The series is about former 'psychic' Jane (Patrick Jane) whose wife and daughter got murdered. As the F.B.I investigates, Jane starts helping them, using his keen skills of observation. The head of the F.B.I is Teresa Lisbon and they often solve the cases together. The main story arc revolved around him solving the murder of his wife and child by finding out the identity of the serial killer Red John.
Nail biting and an interesting watch.
The series has 7 seasons in all.

Big Little Lies

This show is about 3 women, who come together under unusual circumstances after a single mother moves into the area. Lots of drama and definitely engaging.

Why Watch Big Little Lies
The cast!!! Yes, Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. And, the script! Besides, the show gets better with every episode. A little intense and violent, it does contain some adult content, so make sure to watch without the kids around.

Season one came out in 2017. Fingers crossed for the next one ;)

The Good Wife

This political thriller show focuses on Alicia Florrick who steps up to go back to work, after her husband, a State Attorney, is imprisoned following a scandal.

Why watch The Good Wife
This is one show which is a cocktail of everything. Drama, love triangles & a lot of surprises!
The show is really good and intelligent. PS: it’s about lawyers. There are 7 seasons.

This Is Us

Following two separate timelines, this show belongs to the couple Jack & Rebecca and their triplets. Most episodes follow the journey of the parents as well as the children during different years, both in the present and past.

Why Watch This Is Us
Yes, this show is like a sad movie which will make you cry at times. But there are so many beautiful moments which make you smile too. Although keep a box of tissues ready for sure.
Season two just got over, season three comes next year.

Some more tv shows that I love and recommend:

  • Riverdale
  • Grey's Anatomy 
  • Gilmore Girls
  • Lost
  • Breaking Bad
  • Desperate Housewives 
  • The Mindy Project

Sorry, no Game Of Thrones & Orange Is The New Black here! I really tried to like them, but guess it’s me against the world ;)

Authors note:

Zainab is a fitness and lifestyle blogger at She has lost 8 kilos in the last 2 years and has successfully maintained it. Follow her on Twitter or Instagram to know about how moms or women can lose weight right form the comfort of their homes.
She’s soon doing a series on weight loss so don't forget to subscribe to her newsletter too.

So that was Zainab's list.
If you had to recommend 5 shows to someone, which ones would they be?

P.S. I have also written a guest post at Zainab's blog this week on 'Common Blogging Misconceptions People Have.'

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Thanks for giving me the opportunity :)

  2. Perfect list for binge watching. We loved Prison Break and Homeland in the thriller genre.

    1. Prison Break lost me after season 2. Loved the first season

  3. I have loved watching The Mentalist too. And i loved White Collar too. Didn't like Game Of Thrones either. Watched till 3rd season with much effort, as i wanted to take part in the discussions my friends had on it. But then realised, it was enough, it was not my cup of tea.

    Another i would recommend is Downton Abbey. I want to watch Riverdale, let's see.

  4. I have only seen the first two. And still watch friends on YouTube while having dinner. It's such a feel good show. I agree, it immediately lifts the mood.

  5. Zainab.. I completely agree - Friends always has to be there on any list of TV shows I make too - it's like my Harry Potter of TV shows. :P Always included, always recommended. :)

    As far as the others are concerned, both This Is Us & Big Little Lies are on my radar, but at the moment I am not starting any new shows because I have zero discipline & restraint when it comes to NOT binge-watching shows, and then I lose weeks & months, while I sit and just marathon the shows. So as of now I am staying away, but will definitely get to them next.

  6. I love the Mentalist and The Good Wife. I'm watching both at the moment! Stopping by from the #AtoZChallenge Road Trip! Loving my Fitbit

  7. I've only watched the first three. The last two has been on my to watch list for quite a while now. Need to get back to torrenting it soon ;)

  8. Friends s evergreen show and everyone Favourite. Indeed it's a must watch for all

  9. Some of my favourite shows are Mad About You and McLeod's Daughters

  10. FRIENDS is one of my favorite shows, but then who doesn’t love it! Yet to watch The Mentalist and Big Little Lies. Recently I read the book Big Little Lies and it was fantastic. Couldn’t find the show on Netflix. Love Gilmore Girls and Grey’s Anatomy. Watched Desperate Wives years ago, not a big fan of the show. My favorites include The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. I will take up your recommendations and watch some of the above next time, Z. Thank you for sharing this Zainab and Roshan!

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