Clayton Cook - The Groom Who saved a boy during his Wedding Photoshoot #WATWB

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
It certainly isn't something the bride expected. One moment Brittany Cook of Cambridge, Ontario was happily posing with her husband for the wedding photos and the next moment, he was dashing off and jumping into a pond!

While posing for the photographs by a park bridge, the groom Clayton Cook had noticed a child in the pond struggling to stay afloat. The child had been pushed by other children and was about to drown when Clayton reached him.

Darren Hatt, the wedding photographer, was there at the right moment and took pictures of the moment which went viral shortly after.

While posing for his wedding photographs, the groom Clayton Cook noticed a child in the pond struggling to stay afloat and so dived in and saved the child's life.
Image Courtesy: Hatt Photography

By the time the bride and photographer had realized what had happened, the groom had already dived in (wearing his wedding suit and all) and saved the child.

“That’s Clay, like that’s Clay to me,” his bride Brittany mentioned to reporters later. “It’s something he would just instinctively do.”

Of course, who else but Ellen Degeneres to have the final word in this story. Watch how she thanks Clayton Cook for being a Hero of Kindness.

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Author's note:

This post is part of the We Are the World Blogfest, a monthly event to showcase stories of compassion. The hosts for this month are:  Shilpa Garg, Inderpreet Kaur UppalPeter NenaAndrea Michaels, Damyanti Biswas 
The idea is to spread positivity and light to counterbalance the negativity and darkness in social media. You can check their pages to find the list of feel-good stories written by bloggers from around the world.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. AnonymousMay 25, 2018

    Dived in with his wedding Suit??? Now how many of us actually think of doing that? For most of us would raise an alarm and hope another would save the boy!

  2. What do I think??? This is wonderful! Brittany married a good man! And Clayton Cook is a hero who did what had to be done! Thank you Dr. Roshan and have a great weekend!

  3. That man is a wonderful person. Clayton is too selfless. Bless him!

  4. thought ful very interesting post

  5. God bless him! Thank you for finding this wonderful piece of news

  6. Now that's a wedding memory!

  7. Brittany has found herself a gem. Thanks for sharing this lovely story, Roshan.

  8. what a wonderful human being he is kindness and humanity over everything..may god bless him. he is such an inspiration.

  9. God bless this man. He truly dint even think of his wedding suit getting ruined but just thought of saving the child. Truly kind and compassionate

  10. What a beautuful post.Loved the story of kindness.

  11. This is so sweet. Its hard to find such kindness these days. Good to know about Clayton.

  12. When you are kind to the world you feel the same in other people too. You want to Steve them before you

  13. Really nice that this groom stepped up and helped this little boy. I wonder if there was any follow up on the little boy, he looks upset as he walks away. I hope his parents are taking care of him and watching over him.

  14. Extraordinary story, Roshan, and so apt for WATWB... Regular guy does the right thing, wedding suit and all. Great, great story.
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

  15. Truly a day of giving. Laying day his life for his bride and then for the life of a child. What a story.

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