The Top Disney songs over the last 3 decades

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
2 minute read
This year's #Barathon (Blog Marathon) by Blog-A-Rhythm is themed around 'Seven' so I figured I would make lists of seven (or multiples of it) for the challenges. For today's list, I chose to go with the Best Disney Songs of All Time.

With 80 years and nearly 60 animated films, Walt Disney has a legacy that simply cannot be matched in any era when it comes to animated movies and cinematic studios. The sheer variety and scope of these movies have made us smile and given us hope in so many different forms, as we found love and life lessons in everything they gave us, be it a mermaid, a mouse, a Princess or even a lion cub.
The music and songs in these movies have included some which were not just Oscar winners but have stood the test of time across generations as well.

It is tough to sheer a list comprising hundreds of songs down to 7 (or in this case, even 14) so I am cutting the duration down to the last 3 decades of songs (1987 - 2017).

A Whole New World - Aladdin

* Also check out the peppy Prince Ali and Friend Like Me.

Can You Feel the Love Tonight - The Lion King.

Circle of Life - The Lion King

Honestly, The Lion King as an album is pure magic. So many hits that deserve to be in this list including the iconic Hakuna Matata and I just can't wait to be King

Go the Distance - Hercules

You'll be in my Heart - Tarzan

Son of Man - Tarzan

If there is competition for Elton John and 'The Lion King' for best Disney music album, it is undoubtedly from Phil Collins and the soundtrack of 'Tarzan'. Check out the amazing Two Worlds and Strangers Like Me.

You've got a Friend in Me - Toy Story

Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast

Almost There - The Princess and the Frog

Colours of the Wind - Pocahontas

Kiss the Girl - The Little Mermaid

Let it go - Frozen

Try Everything - Zootopia

How Far I'll Go - Moana

Hope you had fun and found some new gems today. Which are your all-time favourite Disney songs?

You can find posts by other bloggers for Day 4 here

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Such wonderfully melodious and meaningful songs. Some of them - like Let it Go and Circle of Life - I've heard on a loop. But I'd forgotten some of the others. Going to make a complete playlist out of these.

  2. Such a lovely compilation of songs. I am a great fan of the Disney films and I think music actually helps to make then really memorable in the viewers' minds. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful gems here. Loving your series of 7 for the Barathon, Roshan. Keep them coming!!

  3. Lion King still makes me nostalgic...and recently I loved Moana...thanks for sharing these beautiful songs.

    1. Lion King was an absolutely amazing album... each song was perfect and well suited for the moment

  4. I haven't listened to a lot of them... The only one I know is the frozen one �� will check them out.

    1. Oooh.. you must give this list a listen... you will love them! Trust me.

  5. I haven't seen so many of them but yes the ending of mist... That's just... I don't even have a word to describe that feeling. Prestige is an awesome movie, haven't read the book though. I want to watch silence of the lambs but well, maybe I need more guts.

  6. My fav is Shakira's Try Everything but I do love the others as well. Great list!
    Would like to add one more: Once Upon a Dream by Lana Del Ray from Maleficent.

    1. Didn't consider non-animated for this, to be honest.

  7. OMG all are my favorite.
    Frozen is on top of the list though

    Click to Read my #Barathon2017 Seven Deadly Sins posts

    1. haha... yes, Disney does make for an awesome playlist!

  8. Great compilation doc. So many great songs. Just lost touch. Circle of life still gives me goosebumps. Thanks for bringing back those memories.

    1. Thanks Adel... yup, so many awesome songs and most, from our childhood days

  9. I will be coming back again and again for this post. I haven't heard most of these songs except Frozen and Moana. Wonderful songs, beautiful lyrics. Thanks for this post :)

    1. I insist you come back :) These are all lovely songs and totally inspiring too! Disney was really good that way.

  10. Love this post! I am a Disney animation nut. I even worked at an animation studio here in Ottawa long ago in 1988 painting cartoon cells and that's how I met my husband. Those days are gone now in these digital times when they get studios in places like Korea to colour the cells. What fun it was working there with everyone all starry eyed thinking we were like Disney North. The reality was that we could barely survive on the measly pay we got.
    Such wonderful tunes. I could spend all morning clicking on every link to listen to these great songs. When my boys were young, I would buy all kinds of Disney faves on VHS and DVD. For the boys, of course! *wink*
    My oldest son is funny how he picked up some LP records at a thrift store and he was listening to music from Cinderella. Now that's an oldie but goodie. Love those old movies, too and the music is brilliant, of course in ones like Dumbo, Bambi, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Disney always got the best composers and musicians for his movies and the tradition continues.

    Thanks for such a fun post, Roshan! My favourite movie is Beauty and the Beast and I love the music. I also enjoyed the recent live action version, too.

    Sorry to be so yappy but as you can see, I love Disney animated films!

    1. Glad to hear this... and yes, those were the glory days of animation painting each frame meticulously and creating magic onscreen.

  11. They really do have amazing songs, don't they? Thank you for the roundup. Cancer is a war. Bring in the Artillery.

  12. Thanks to the kid, we have seen quite a few Disney movies. The song list here is amazing. Lion King is my absolute favorite.

    1. For songs, do also check out Tarzan... you will love it.

  13. Wonderful playlist!!! One of my favourites is "Bare Necessities" from The Jungle that one too! Man, you are good at this👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    Prasanna from Team Mocktailmommies

    1. Bare necessities missed out because Jungle Book was over 40 years old - or else would definitely have made this list

  14. My all time favourites our all the songs from Lion King. Will be back to listen to the others.

  15. I loved all these songs! But "Let it go" is my favourite!

  16. Any song from The Lion Kind has got to be at the top! ;) But you've gotta include I'll Make a Man Out of You from Mulan. I love the song! I randomly sing it at work sometimes! :D

    1. I actually should have added it... it was shortlisted but then I cut it as the last option

  17. You took me back to my childhood and threw me back right to present year with Moana.

    Disney songs are amazing, aren't they :) Also check out songs from those non animated Disney based movies, the lyrics are so good. :D

    apsster @ Little Heart Speaks

    1. Yes, many have adviced me to check out their non-animated list... will do so

  18. And, the award for the most entertaining blog of the year goes to...God Years, by Roshan, Radhakrishnan!
    Take a bow, young man! Every time I visit your blog, I come across something new, something mesmerising! Brilliant collection of songs/videos, Roshan!

    1. aww... thank you. that brought a big smile to my face!

  19. Once again Roshan, you've touched a chord in my heart. Thanks for bringing back happy memories that I shared with my girls. ( Of course not the last one as we still have to see that together with the grandchildren)

    1. oh, you will love it. It is loads of fun and so inspiring too!

  20. Replies
    1. It's one of the most popular Disney songs of all times

  21. It's wonderful to know a out all the songs from Disney. Each of them have such wondrful meaning and soothing. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Honestly i love all of them. My fav being let it go and hakuna matata

  23. Celine dion's song in beauty and beast alSo Lion king songs are all time faves.

  24. I liked very Disney movies. This is a list of all my favorite songs especially 'the whole new world.' My girls love Let it go.

  25. Awww this was nostalgic and beautiful. My daughter is crazy about "Let it go" song and she keeps singing it.

  26. Let it go is every girls favorite, but mine is Moana's thats my favorite disney movie currently!!! great compilation!!!

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