Quietly, Become a Hero of Kindness and Compassion #AtoZChallenge

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
2 minute read
Throughout this challenge, I have brought you stories of kindness and compassion from across the world. Everyone asks me how I came across so many diverse stories, especially in a world we feel is so barren of kindness today.
The answer to that question is simple - I searched for kindness across the world. I stopped participating in the online wars of right vs wrong and I searched for humanity.

The heroes I found are not as famous as your political and religious icons. They are everyday people... people like you and me. They just know to be kind. Therein lies the power to bringing light into the darkness: be the giver of kindness yourself.
Do it with genuine acts of compassion - small, simple acts that brighten the day of even a single person whom you find lost in the darkness wrapped around him or her.

Quietly, be the hero of kindness and compassion you believe the world needs.

Be the waiter at Olive Garden Restaurant in Little Rock who helps a struggling mother, allowing her to eat in peace while he cared for her baby.
Be compassionate.
Be the waiter at Olive Garden Restaurant in Little Rock who helps a struggling mother, allowing her to eat in peace while he cared for her baby.
Facebook Link here

Be the anonymous online strangers who came forward when Jared Buhanan-Decker, grieving after his wife died during childbirth, asked for help to "just be able to hear her voice again."
The late Sharry Buhanan-Decker had recorded herself singing but Jared could not understand the format so complete strangers across the internet stepped in and reconverted the files to help him and his newborn child hear the melodious voice of the woman they had both lost.
Be kind.
Jared Buhanan-Decker and Sharry
Take the time to read Jared's beautiful heartfelt blog here

Be the six police officers from Shimla who carried a pregnant woman on a cot for three and a half hours through ten kilometers of heavy snow and ice to get her to a hospital where she safely delivered her baby.
Be the hero.
Be the six police officers from Shimla who carried a pregnant woman on a cot for three and a half hours through ten kilometers of heavy snow and ice to get her to a hospital where she safely delivered her baby.

Be the anonymous stranger who pays off overdue lunch balances of 44 poor school children at HW Elementary School and then comes back to pay the bills for the rest of the month for these children as well.
Be compassionate.

Be the old lady in a restaurant as you breastfeed your 8 week old son and comes to your table to cut your breakfast for you and feed you before your food gets cold.
Be kind.
Be the old lady in a restaurant as you breastfeed your 8 week old son and comes to your table to cut your breakfast for you and feed you before your food gets cold.
Facebook link here

Be Alyssa Sanford who risked her own life when she confronted and chased a dog thief for over 35 minutes just so that a couple she had never met would get reunited with their puppy.
Be the hero.

Be kind.
Be compassionate.
Be the hero the world needs, one small, simple act at a time.

I leave you with the beautiful voice of the late Sharry Buhanan-Decker, a song you hear today thanks to the kindness of strangers.

This is part of my #AtoZChallenge where I will be focusing on Real Life Heroes: Shining Examples of Kindness and Compassion. You can find other real-life heroes here.

Quietly, be the hero of compassion you believe the world needs.

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  1. Doc, I have no words and tears streaming down my face. I love this series and I can imagine the digging and research it would have taken to come up with these stories. Good news, news of kindness and goodwill and compassion is always buried away in a small corner. The hate and wars take center stage, which makes it easy to believe that it's apocalypse, now. Your stories are like a healing balm - thank you.

  2. It's becoming harder and harder to leave your page without tears in my eyes. All these stories of kindness and compassion is so ooverwhelming and inspiring ... Thank you so much for sharing them.

  3. Beautiful Roshan- no words, only tears right now!!!

  4. This is a beautiful, beautiful post. The ways in which these people show their compassion and kindness, wow!

  5. So true.. its kindness all through that we need to share to make things around us more happy and pleasant to be in. There are so many peaople around us, extending their warmth, and probably we all need to too, to keep the circle going.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful heartwarming stories of kindness and humanity with us. Makes one want to believe once again that the world is beautiful. And life is beautiful. <3

  7. Very sweet post Roshan. THese are all inspiring cases and these increases your faith in humanity. There are lot of good people around and it makes me happy.

  8. Your posts this AtoZ strike the deepest chords within Doc and no matter how hard we try we can't express our gratitude to you for bringing up this series.

  9. So true! We can be the hero in small things. No need to change the world (if possible then great) but otherwise even if you could touch one life in this world, there is bound to be a ripple effect.

  10. Going to start searching for instances to be kind and nice to other people! Truly inspired..

  11. I try to give back to society in every possible way that I can. It is very important to do that. You'll learn never to take all the things you have for granted then.

  12. This is truly a heart warming post. For the ones who say that our world has lost all compassion and humanity, this post is an eye opener

  13. Fab examples, Roshan. This is truly a heartwarming post. Wish we realized it takes only a compassionate heart to remove the evil from the world. <3
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  14. What a heart-warming story to read, Roshan! This is truly inspiring and it is only about doing our bit... the goodness will spread on its own!


  15. There are so many good people in the world, and their stories are not heard enough.
    Several years ago, someone paid off everyone's layaways at our local KMart stores. For those who do not know what a layaway is, it is a method where you can purchase items on time. The store will hold the item and you pay a little bit each week until it is paid for. At Christmas time, this is a popular program. An anonymous person visited the stores and paid the balance on all the accounts. What a beautiful gift!

  16. Such a beautiful and inspiring post! May we all be inspired to be heroes of kindness in our own ways.

  17. It really doesnt' take much to be kind and to bring some light in this world. I do believe people do kind gestures everyday, but they often get lost in our disillusioned world.
    Thanks so much for reminding us :-)

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  18. These are such inspiring posts and may we all get inspired by these heroes.Wish people knew that compassion can remove all the evil in the world

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    *Menaka Bharathi *


  19. I honestly look forward to your blogposts everyday. So full of compassion, hope and kindness. There is humanity after all around us, we just need to look in the right places and be kind ourselves. Thanks for being a symbol of everyday inspiration, motivation and harbinger of hope and love.

    Have a look at the character review of this amazing woman Mary, Queen of Scots who lived to fight for her rights!

    Readers of the Night

  20. Beautiful examples of random acts of kindness. Yes, quiet heroes are also true heroes.

    Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Quieting the mind

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