'Love, XYZ' : Compassion from Strangers #AtoZChallenge #WATWB

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
1 minute read
What if, instead of the constant photos of hatred and photoshopped images spewing distrust, you chose to share images of random acts of kindness? 
Would it really be that bad a thing?

Each image below tells a story. A story of kindness and humanity that needs no explanation from me.

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

Faith in Humanity Restored

When you come across messages and images like these online, actively share them on social media. Brighten the day of people on your timeline with hope instead of darkening it.

Remind people that there is no shortage of kindness. 

It is just a matter of choosing to either find it or be the giver of it yourself. And you can start right now with a simple message to anyone in your life who needs it today.

This is part of my #AtoZChallenge where I will be focusing on Real Life Heroes: Shining Examples of Kindness and Compassion. You can find other real-life heroes here.

This post is also part of the 'We Are The World Blogfest' (you can read about it here). Aimed at flooding social media with peace and love, bloggers from around the world will look to share stories of love and humanity on the last Friday of every month to help bring a smile on your face and give you hope too.

Co-hosts this month are:Belinda WitzenhausenSimon FalkInderpreet Kaur UppalMary J. Giese and Peter Nena
You can read more feel-good posts (and also add your own, if you want to share the joy with #WATWB) in the linky here.

P.S. If you want 50 more instances proving that the world is not a bad place, click here. (Warning: Image-heavy page)

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Let me know what you think.

  1. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, this post proves it. Pass the tissues, I'm getting all teary lol! Thanks so much for sharing these! :) #WATWB

    Belinda Witzenhausen~Writer, Creativity Coach & Artist

  2. I'm with Belinda, pass the tissues. This is a wonderful way to share images of compassion and kindness. Thank you so much for being a part of #WATWB and all you do for everyone.

  3. Belinda said what I was going to say. Just as well we have a month. I'm going to have to re-visit to soak these images in. Parables in action. Thanks Roshan. You are a doctor of body and soul Simon’s Still Stanza #WATWB

  4. This made my Friday. Thank you, Roshan, for highlighting the goodness of ordinary people.Restores all faith in humanity. Thank you.

  5. Thank you doc for such a heartwarming share. I am all teary every morning when I read your posts but they are tears of happiness to see so much kindness and goodness in the world. Thank you for reaffirming that!!!

    Read my Peregrination Chronicles of travel tales laden with exhuberance and excitement!!!
    Love of hotels

  6. When we meet, Rosh, you're getting a hug for this beautiful, wonderful post. <3 <3 <3 <3 I've been feeling a migraine coming up since morning, but this post just made it bearable.

  7. This made my heart smile. This post is a reminder to all of us that we dont need big money bags to help someone, all we need is a compassionate and kind heart.

  8. This is a beautiful post filled with wonderful humanity. I am challenged to do a random act of kindness for a stranger. My Virtual Vineyard

  9. So many of these messages brought a lump to my throat...the 95 yr old with $7 short, the offer for free food, water, or the offer of a ride....heartwarming!! Indeed, sharing such messages of goodness is much better than the hate messages we see nowadays.

    Shubhangi @ The Little Princess

  10. Lovely snippets of humanity. Thanks for sharing, Roshan.


  11. I love all of the good deeds, but especially the woman who helped buy the 95 year old man his flowers. I would have been crying too. So cool, this tells me that the goodness of humanity far outweighs the bad. I'm proud to be part of this blogfest, to share the good news!

  12. Sometimes it's the smallest thing that can make a mark in someone's life. Hold a door, clean a window, hold the elevator, a small compliment.

  13. I wished for more! This post would never be enough to be honest! Loved it so much!


  14. I had seen a couple of these, but most of these images are new to me! Just goes to show how quickly bad news and hatred spreads. Kindness goes unseen. Thank you for shining the light, doc. Thanks for sharing these beautiful stories all this month.

  15. This warmed my heart. There is a young girl (17) I follow on Twitter, and I try to say nice things to her as she has no confidence in herself and suffers from depression. If a word or two makes a difference, I hope it brightens her day.
    We need more kindness in the world. Stop looking for someone else to make the first step. Lead by example.
    Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories.

  16. This one is my favourite out of all the stories you shared Roshan. Loved reading all the messages. Inspirational.

  17. This made my day. Thank you!
    P.S: Yes, I'm back! Thanks for all the love and support on my blogs.
    Thailand Travel Stories at Kohl Eyed Me
    26 Indian Dishes at Something's Cooking

  18. I had tears going through these photos itself. So much generosity and love is shared here. Thank you so much for sharing Roshan. Like your name you are spreading so much light and brightness in the world. God bless.

  19. These acts of kindness restores my faith in humanity. Thanks for sharing these.

    Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Xtraordinary Moments

  20. My eyes are filled with tears now. Oh wow, humanity is such a beautiful thing. We need more of such things in today's world.

  21. I am liking this idea of sharing Kindness posts. Thanks to all of you behind WATWB. Reading this made my day. I mentioned your Blog in my A to Z reflections Post.

  22. Your post encapsulates a quote that I have outside my classroom on the bulletin board: "If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction."
    Thank you for this wonderful post including the images/snippets of everyday random acts of kindness!
    My heart feels lighter!
    Writer In Transit

  23. Wonderful theme you had for teh A toZ! Life is more than just celebrating celebs. Senti post.

  24. This is so heart-touching post. Loved every bit of it. It has inspired me to do one act of kindness every day. I am sharing it on my FB and twitter and I promise that I will do one act of kindness daily!!

  25. Kindness is in abundance in this world. But we can see only if we have it in us first.

  26. Indeed Pictures speak louder than words. Agree that kindness still alive. Things is to be a source or indirect link to bring smile on someone face

  27. This is awesome collection of pictures depicting the goodness in society and stuff people do for others.

  28. Kindness is much needed.Thanks Dr.Roshan for spreading the message of hope.That we can all do our bit to take it forward.

  29. These are truely heart warming messages. Its good to see this world is filled with so many nice people exchanging such wonderful msgs :)

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