My 2017 #AtoZChallenge Theme: Real Life Heroes

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
2 minute read
You've read about them but don't know their names. That is okay.
In newspapers filled with thousands of lines devoted to the bad, the sad and the maddening, barely 2-3 lines are devoted to these people and their deeds, often crammed in a small rectangular column within the middle pages. I am referring to the stories from around the world featuring everyday citizens who, in tough moments, stand up and perform acts of kindness &  compassion that restore your faith in humanity. You read two lines about them and smile for a moment before the more elaborate dreary articles take over once more.

In 2016, for the #AtoZChallenge, I chose the peppy theme of TV sitcoms and lists. I kept it fun and informative, showing you hundreds of celebrities and what made them famous.

This year, I want to make you smile with the kindness of normal people from across the world.

Like you, I'm tired of the darkness all around. The people we see featured repeatedly in the news - the ministers, leaders and celebrities - are not the only indicators of our moral compass. There are plenty of everyday individuals who do the right thing, choosing compassion over all else when required. You may have read about them and then forgotten their names. I'm here to make you remember their names this time around. After all, these people represent the good side of human beings, the kind of people we wish we were surrounded by.

This challenge is my way of reassuring you, the reader, that there are still good men, women and even children left on Earth. This challenge is also my way of thanking them, these people whom I have never met, for doing the right thing when saying 'it is not my problem' would have been so much easier.

I said it before in a much loved post and I say it again to you... 'The World is Not a Bad Place.' In that post, I showed you more than 50 people whose selfless deeds changed lives positively.

This #AtoZChallenge, I bring you one each (and even more, occasionally) for every alphabet of the English language.

My theme for this year's #AtoZChallenge is 'Real Life Heroes: Shining Examples of Compassion & Humanity.'

#AToZChallenge theme reveal: real life heroes - shining examples of compassion and humanity

I sincerely hope you will join me regularly here in April 2017 as I try to make you believe in everyday superheroes once more.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. This is quite interesting. Ready to read your posts from April 😊
    My wishes to you.

  2. Wow....... that's so nice of you, Roshan. Much needed for the present days. Eagerly waiting to know more about unsung superheroes. World is made beautiful by those lovely hearts. Best wishes, Roshan. More power to you.

    1. Thanks Vasantha. Yes and noone ever remembers their names. I just find that wrong.

  3. Ooh..i had loved the compassion post. Looking forward to this. It's a wonderful theme.

    1. Thanks LS... this is an extension of that. Looking to be more specific this time around.

  4. Shining the light on Superheroes, this sounds good!
    All the best for the challenge and I look forward to reading your posts:)

  5. What a wonderful theme- compassion and kindness. I am looking forward to reading more Roshan! All the best!

  6. Yes. I think you are highlighting something very important through your A to Z. I hope to come by regularly to read about these heroes. Have an awesome April, doc. :)

  7. Brilliant theme doc. And it's so you �� we really need to read more stories of goodness and bravery. Looking forward to read more ��

    1. Thanks Raj. Hoping to live up to expectations.

  8. Very interesting and unique theme. Will look forward to readig your posts.

  9. This is a wonderful THEME! it is the need of the hour - & i hope lots and lots of people read your posts. we all need hope & the reassurance of the goodness of people!

    1. Thanks Isheeria. loved your too. looking forward to learning a few things :)

  10. Beautiful theme. I remember a post of yours on a similar theme and loved reading that. All the best for the month. :)

    1. Yes. This is a more elaborate version, focusing on each one of 26 people.

  11. This sounds super exciting ....

  12. I don't know how manage to top the theme, year after year. The theme is amazing, now I know where I need to come for my daily pick me up

    1. Haha.. thanks Ritika :) Saw your theme.. wow. I'm pretty useless at such terms involving art so you're gonna pretty much be my teacher for the next month in that topic :)

  13. Such an awesome theme Roshan...we really need to focus more on the good. I'm trying to avoid the news these days because I'm sick of all the negativity. Good luck with the challenge! :D

    1. Ya... most news headlines dont merit touching to read the full story. That's why I figured I will add some positive drops into this dark ocean.

  14. I'm in love with your theme already, doctor! I remember the last year theme as well but this year's one is unbeatable. Such posts always leave a smile on my face and make me happy!

    All the best!


    1. Thanks. Hopefully will find enough good guys to brighten your month :)

  15. This by far is my favorite theme of the year. Hats off, Roshan :)
    I know you'll nail it. Happy A to Z!
    Sawasdee Thailand at Kohl Eyed Me
    Indian Dishes at Something's Cooking

    1. Thanks Shalini :)
      Saved both of your pages at the very beginning.

  16. Such an intersting theme for A to Z .Heroes need to be celebrated.Spreading these stories may inspire more people.

    1. Thanks Amrita :)
      Looking forward to your posts too!

  17. Love the sound of this theme Roshan! Looking forward to the interesting stories!

  18. You said it! We desperately need to be reminded that the world isn't a bad place, and we need to read more about the people who make it so. Your theme is a nice timely reminder.

    1. I know I need it right now... I figured others could use a bunch of positivity too!

  19. Wow! Such a great inspiring theme. Like the previous years and like i know you,you will do justice to this. Looking forward to be back here for my daily dose of inspiration..

  20. These are the heroes who need to be spoken about more often! Wonderful theme Doc. All the best for the challenge :)

  21. I look forward to meeting all those heroes here on your blog in April. Glad that you chose this theme. It's going to bring a whiff of positivity to the reading sessions during the challenge. :)

    1. Aiming to bring some happy moments in here... that's for sure.

  22. When there is so much of hatred and violence, its great to know those who are making a difference by their presence and acts. Nice theme. Will stay tuned :) Wish me luck too as its my first time here.

    1. All the best. And don't worry, we are all here egging you on :)
      P.S. Would not hurt to start a little early though :D

  23. That is such a super theme Roshan. The unsung heroes are going to be in limelight here - what more can we ask for. All the best, looking forward.

    1. Thanks Tina... yes, the aim is primarily on finding and showcasing as many such people as possible.

  24. Such a wonderful theme. The ordinary heroes of life are those who make the blessings we enjoy possible. Looking forward to reading your posts.

  25. I've lost a lot of faith in humanity over the years. I need to have some of that faith restored. I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

    1. Trust me... I know exactly what you mean. This series is as much a reaffirmation for me is as it is for the readers.

  26. This sounds fantastic Roshan - really looking forward to some real life human goodness. You can uplift me and I'll inspire you for midlife :)
    Leanne |

    1. Thanks Leanne. Added you to feedly to follow during the month.

  27. Thanks AATB.
    And your theme is something I desperately need too in my life right now.

  28. Great theme doc! There are so many people and so many stories around us. Sometimes inspiration can come from anywhere and looking forward to your stories. All the best :)

    1. Thanks Deepa... yes, that was the underlying idea.

  29. Yes! I'll be able to follow each of your posts this April then! Last year I felt a bit out of place with the movies and sitcom theme :D

    Jokes apart, the theme you've selected is an evergreen one, and a theme which all of us should keep up with. All the best, doc! :)

    1. haha.. I should still shoot you for not following my sitcoms theme... but yay! Atleast you will be here this year :D

  30. Love your theme idea! This world is sorely in need of some uplifting and inspiring stories of human goodness. Looking forward to your posts. Cheers!
    Debbie @ The Doglady's Den

  31. Awaiting to read on this theme.. such a thoughtful subject..

  32. I absolutely love this theme! We could all do with more positive news - I'm pretty sure the world isn't as dismal as the news paints it to be. After all, good news doesn't make for good TRPs! I look forward to your posts in April.

    1. How sad is that, isn't it? Good news doesn't make for good trps... sigh.

  33. Great theme doc! The world sure is a great place! The hope is infectious! I'm in too, see you around!

    Shubhangi @ The Little Princess

  34. All the best, I know you will rock it.

  35. You do this so well, Roshan. Will be standing on sidelines to cheer you on.

  36. That is a wonderful theme Doc :) Such posts does reassure our faith that good still exists. Looking forward to reading your posts.

    A to Z 2017 - Theme Reveal

  37. Wonderful theme. Looking forward to read some 'feel good' posts in April.

    Manisha @The Nimble Mime

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