The Ongoing novel of Team 'Bards of the Blogosphere' #CelebrateBlogging

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
2 minute read
As part of Blogadda's ongoing "Game of Blogs", teams of ten bloggers from across the country come together and share their individual insights to help create a unique "one of its kind" novel where all ten bloggers contribute, based on characters provided. This process carries on over a period of three rounds with an elimination every week until the best story is eventually found.

The jury panel for the contest: 

The team Bards of the Blogosphere comprises of DivyakshiPriyanka RoyPriyanka VictorArpitaDattaNupurSulekhaMaria and Roshan.
Random though the selection may have been by Blogadda, the final team has a wonderful blend of bloggers capable of lending their own flair across various genres including humour, poetry, melancholy, intrigue and twists in the tale. And rest assured, we do plan to bring in the best of each of these genres into this story.

Touch wood, we plan to be there when the final results are announced and with that goal in mind, we have formed this page to allow easier access to those interested to follow us on our journey over the next three weeks as our story progresses. Without further adieu, we present to you chapters from the ongoing collaboration of the "Bards of the Blogosphere."

Week 1: 
Chapter 1 - Princess' Day Out
Chapter 2 - The Weekend Brunch
Chapter 3 - The Journey
Chapter 4 - The Phone Call
Chapter 5 - Through the Eyes of a Stranger
Chapter 6 - The Princess and her Pied Piper
Chapter 7 - Shadow play turns real
Chapter 8 - Mysterious Tattoo
Chapter 9 - The Confrontation

Week 2:
Chapter 1 - I'm coming to get you, Princess
Chapter 2 - The evening before
Chapter 3 - A Good morning
Chapter 4 - Trigger happy
Chapter 5 - The Calm before the storm
Chapter 6 - What lies beneath
Chapter 7 - Pandemonium
Chapter 8 - Whodunit?
Chapter 9 - Divulgence

Week 3:
Chapter 1 - Shadows in the Night
Chapter 2 - Taken
Chapter 3 - Truth and Pretence
Chapter 4 - The Perfect Crime
Chapter 5 - Standoff
Chapter 6 - The Return
Chapter 7 - Catharsis
Chapter 8 - The Reunion
Chapter 9 - Epilogue

  • Do bookmark and return to this page tomorrow. The bards will be back with the next chapter of the story. 
  • Also, please do visit our Facebook page and join us to get easy, instant updates of the story as they are posted.
  • Alternatively, you can tell Blogadda what you think of our story directly here. Best comment wins a prize from them, we believe :)

Have a wonderful day.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Wow.. I loved how and where this is heading!!! Win or not, PUBLISH IT!!!! I know you and your team will win..still!!!!!!! Prayers and wishes... :) I'll come back to read more. Promise. :)

    1. Thanks.. we do have the storyline mapped out and touchwood, all the loopholes filled. It is a wonderful team to work with which makes it easier. Hopefully, we will do enough to prove ourselves worthy :)

  2. Wonderful !!! All the best !!

  3. You are the lucky charm of the blogs and we will win :)

  4. I meant of the Bards' blog :)

  5. Hi doc....wonderful...loved it...can't wait to read ahead....keep going....

    1. Thanks a lot... the story is now officially over. Do read it all and tell us how you liked it.

  6. Hi doc....wonderful...loved it...can't wait to read ahead....keep going....

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