One more chance for getting published

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
1 minute read
I won another chance to possibly get published.

It's really as simple as that.
I'd taken part in the ongoing competition at Fablery ( I say ongoing to get some of you fellow bloggers motivated to try it out ) and in my first attempt, won the 1st prize in a genre I'm not commonly associated with - Action & Adventure

The contest hosts a new genre every month and the winners of each genre get a chance to have their story published in the final anthology. 

Unlike blogposts and my earlier published stories, this is a pretty long tale, clocking in at close to 7500 words ( the word range for the contest is between 5000- 7500 words ) which actually suits my rambling style of narration, I guess.

Anyway, touchwood, hopefully early next year, you'll get to see the story in print. 

P.S. Advance warning : I received one more heart-warming news on the same day I got this which I'll post about in a few days so kindly bear with the self-congratulatory tone of this and the coming post as well.


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Let me know what you think.

  1. AnonymousJuly 23, 2012

    Wow! Congratulations!
    Thanks for mentioning this. Maybe I could try too. :)

    1. Definitely do so Amit.. have read a lot of your blogposts and you definitely have the talent and creativity required.

  2. You're on a roll, aren't you! :)

    Good going, doc!

    1. Thanks.. and as I said, one more news coming up so keep watching.

  3. Hey Congratulations and Celebrations :)

  4. Congratulations!!!! :D

  5. Wow you are the best ! Congrats !

    1. Thanks.. await further news in hopefully the next post.

  6. Congrats Roshan! Can't wait to read it!

  7. Now I am missing you around the college!! Could have made you give me a treat for this!! Keep the good times rolling doc! :)

    1. Haha.. treat ? Have a schezwan fried rice at the canteen in my name :) Have been having those things for over a decade, you know ? Remember munching on them before going in for university exams as well...

  8. I just saw this :D wow :D Congratulations :):)

    PS : I want a signed copy of your first solo book . Pleej . *frantic fan wave* :P

    1. Thanks... and how can I refuse a gal who says Pleej :) :)

      Now if I could only find it in me to write a whole solo book !

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