Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
There was an interesting news article on 13th jan'06 that caught my eye.. I later got to follow up on the story in BBC. It was about the creation of FLUORESCENT GREEN PIGS in Taiwan at the Taiwan National University. Apparently the aim behind these 3 little piggies was to further boost their stem cell research program. But i just couldn't get past those 3 words..FLUORESCENT GREEN PIGS!!! I mean, come on, what on Earth can we do with 3 FLUORESCENT GREEN PIGS?? Apparently they're greener inside than any other "previously created green pigs!!" Wow!!
Who know, maybe in time to come, my scepticism will be proven wrong and these 3 pigs will be the turning point of Evolution.. but for now, i really really think Taiwan ought to do what it does best...make great "original" software, electronics and shirts. Free the little Piggies!! Or else serve them in some veg restaurant under the title " Meany Greenies!" I dont know. I just think there are better things in life to do than spend a million dollars turning pigs into colors of the rainbow.. Let the paintshops do that.
Anyway, they've promised to work harder to make the next batch of piggies Greener.. I guess those nice environmentalists should be happy. As for me, I'm still gonna wait for the day that they can make PIGS FLY!!!
That's worth a million bucks, I bet.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. Belated b'day wishes man....
    i didnt forget it....:-)
    So how was the xams??
    Still at kannur?/

  2. Belated Happy Bday pytho..

  3. to MOGAMBOO, thanks. Yup still in kannur. Comedk was okey-dokey.
    P.s. who are you?

    to Sumz, Thank u. how are you lovebirds doing?

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